Daquin: The Cuckoo in Sussex


The Cuckoo in Sussex

by Louis Claude-Daquin
arranged for two pianos by Anderson & Roe


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The Cuckoo in Sussex

by Louis Claude-Daquin
arranged for two pianos by Anderson & Roe


The Cuckoo in Sussex

by Louis Claude-Daquin
arranged for two pianos by Anderson & Roe



Daquin's "The Cuckoo" like you've never heard it before; we transplanted the bird from its original setting in 1735 to a new environment of dreamy timelessness.

The cuckoo's call is often used to designate the passing of time. Cuckoo clocks signal a new hour with the famous chime, "cu-ckoo, cu-ckoo," and many cultures await the cuckoo's call after the snow melts as an indication that spring has truly come. For years, the London Times celebrated the arrival of spring by publishing the first documented hearing of the cuckoo. John Clark's letter to the editor in 1923 is one such example:

Some of your readers may be interested to know that the cuckoo was heard at 7 o’clock this (Tuesday) morning. It was in a wood just outside my house.

Yours faithfully, John Clark
Rockmead, Halland, Sussex, March 22, 1923.

— Greg Anderson & Elizabeth Joy Roe



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